Some of the best Surveys and Biographies


 TOP Companies and their Company Profiles, Surveys and Biographies:


Wacker, Schall, Liechensteinische Landesbank

The editorial compilation, design and updating of the company profile in English with the corporate logo, CI-slogans, future plannings and investments, innovations, goals, and a Link to company annual reports and investor/press relations. Edited and continuously updated for 1 year € 6,900
(includes for your business- and marketing-knowledge-base the new complete WHO’S WHO European Business Database: with a password for free unlimited multiuser-search)

The Company Survey: see samples of Wacker, Schall and Liechtensteinische Landesbank via links above. Company overview in English, structured and updated/completed in all fields to provide, at a glimpse, a short overview about your position in business and capital markets with updated essential corporate information. (includes for your business- and marketing-knowledge-base the new complete WHO’S WHO European Business Database:with password for free unlimited multiuser-search worldwide) ;

Please download a survey questionnaire, fill in completely and informative. Edited and continuously updated for 1 year at € 1,990 and send it to editor @who.de.

The basic information of your business will be added to our database without charges.
Download, fill in and send also the biography questionnaire for managers, it will be included free of charge!



WHO’S WHO: Basis for business:
Respected for editorial search and selection worldwide
Used for Corporate image of the Leaders worldwide
Offices worldwide



Find biographies of Europe's top managers and surveys of the European and world market leader? Can we work together with the new strategic business partner? Has the company sustained substance? Where we and our partners stand in international competition? We know each other, but which facts do we have about others?
WHO'S WHO European business -
Information is the key to success!

WHO'S WHO reaches the clients, investors, prospective employees, business partners, branch organizations and the press. You want authentic economic information, at any time and any place, clearly structured and matchable? Looking for a WhoMax? The European editor of WHO’S WHO, Dr. Theodor Doelken stands for this since over 30 years.