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Manager names from LIPP.. to LOSC..

Lipp , Ernst-Moritz
Lipp , István
Lippe , Stefan
Lippens , Paul
Lippens , Maurice Robert Josse Marie 30520
Lippner , András
Lipsith , Harvey
Lipton , Stuart Antony
Liston , Jerry
Litfin , Gerd
Littich , Wolfram
Litvinets , Nina Sergeyevna
Liukkonen , Matti Antero
Liverani , Giovanni
Livingston , Ian
Llorens , Juan Pi
Llorente Legaz , Alfredo
Loat , Martin Edward
Löb , Alfred
Löbbe , Klaus Peter
Lobnik , Fritz
Lobo , Jacinto
Lobo Aleu , Jesús
Locatelli , Achille
Locher , Walter
Löckener , Hans-Jürgen
Lockhead , Moir
Løddesøl , Leif Terje
Loeb , François
Loer , Dagmar
Loewe Lynch , Enrique
Löffler , Reinhard
Loh , Wolfgang Friedrich-Wilhelm
Lohausen , Benno
Löhe , Wolfgang
Lohmann , Ekkehard
Lohmann , Hans-Joachim
Löhn , Johann
Lohner , Josef
Lohr , Burkhard
Loizaga Viguri , José María
Lojewski , Günther von
Lojnikov , Viatcheslav G.
Lokhorst , Wim
Lomax , Rachel
Lombard , Didier
Lombardi , Edoardo
Lombardi , Giancarlo
Loner , Rita
Long , Martin
Long , Peter
Longhurst , Andrew
Longhurst , Andrew Henry
Longley , Michael
Löning , Walter
Loos , Jochen
Loos , Rolf
Loosli , Hansueli
Lopatka , Lubos
López , José Luis Méndez
Lopez-Mancisidor Del Rio , Ramón
Lorange , Peter
Lorenz , Günter
Lorenz , Hans-Dieter
Lorenz , Sven
Lorenz , Uwe
Lörfing , Heinz
Lorimer , Thomas Desmond
Loro Piana , Sergio
Lortie , Pierre
Losberger , Friedrich
Losch , Marcus
Lösch , Lothar
Löscher , Peter
Löser , Waldemar
Løseth, Øystein

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